Always Play

In the 1960s a few designers began to re-think the kind of objects that children  play with. From a perspective to recast their own work as designers. The result was beautiful objects, some of them never produced, but with great thoughts into how aesthetics and functionality can inspire and cause inspiration for new generations

Fredun Shapur 1980

Fredun shapur 1980

Very soon the collection of modernist toys from the 1960 and 70 ties is exhibited in London, with  toys drawn from private collections of its designers Roger Limbrick, Patrick Rylands, Fredun Shapur, & Ken Garland. The exhibition "Play" offers a unique survey of late modernist approaches to child development and design.

Rumbold gallery 1970

Patrick Ryland 1970

The showing is set to sea by the UK placed collective "Systems" who explore the conditions, possibilities and limits of modernist design practice and comment , publish and exhibits on the subject as such.

Cube tray designer unknown

Roger Limbrick 1960

The exhibition will run from the 5th of june to 6 th of july at : Walter Knoll , 42 Charterhouse square, London.

Ken Garland - 1965 prototype never realised 

Ken Garland 1965 prototype never realised