Villa Wienberg

Villa Wienberg

On the outskirts of our city Aarhus , locally placed Wienberg Architects and Friis and Moltke created a villa with a special atmosphere which is both cooling and calming.

The unconventional Villa Wienberg is the result of a conversion of a 1940s Danish summerhouse.
Inside the villa's articulated floor plan a interesting mix of contrasting materials creates a intriguing experience. Each room supports the architects' intention to create a visually stimulating space.

The villa opens to its surroundings with windows which are perfectly proportioned for the purpose of inviting nature in as well as creating a cozy and private space.

The playful villa is a well thought mix of angles and split levels. It seems to organically grow out of the rich vegetation of pine, temple-tree and rhododendron leaves.

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Spring 2017

The cell (from Latin cella, meaning "small room") is the basic structual, functional and biolagical unit of all known living organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently. This is why cells are often called the "building blocks of life".

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Wouter le Duc

The first time we saw the works of Dutch Artist Wouter le Duc, we were drawn to know more about him and his way of working. There is a great composition and storytelling in his pictures, which makes you stop and wonder.

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Autumn 2016

A heavy weight which is embracing you, but at the same time pulling you down is in short the polarity of gravity. On a more specific note the thesis say that an object always has a counter object, a core to which it is always drawn to.

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